Our hamburger and the tragedies in the Amazon Rainforest

Have you heard about the fires raging in the AMAZON!!??? No, not the Amazon company’s warehouse, but the actual Amazon.

What!? A place that until recently could never really be on fire because it was too wet. However mostly due to deforestation which brings droughts as well as a myriad of other issues, the Amazon has been decimated. Along with the animals and people.

So you ask, what does this have to do with my burger?

The deforestation has been tied to the meat and SOY industry. Some say that the fires were actually set by local farmers in order to make way for more farmland to either raise cattle for our burgers or to plant soy.

check out one of the very easily googled articles I found on the topic


So what can you do?

a) Cut down on the meat and the soy products. If you need those proteins, know where it is coming from. How it is treated, etc.

b) support your local farmers

c) become vegan all together (but also exclude soy)

d) sign petitions that support farms that use ethical practices

e) stay aware and engaged

f) as with every day life, always look for ways to help

It’s not hopeless, we just need to show that we care more about the earth, animals, people than we do about a good burger.

We have to put our money away and say, we won’t pay for destruction.

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