Love note to you

Hey Fam,

Here at SBF, Suzanne and I are so honored to have a community of folks who share the same love and values for the people, the land, art, music, and FOOD!

On the regular we talk about all the truly heavy, terrible, unjust things happening all over the world, whether it’s Palestine, the Congo, Sudan, Haiti, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Lebanon, (the list is long) at the hands of capitalism and colonization or it’s something in our own physical community.

It can feel daunting, hopeless, tiring, never ending.

We find our balance in those conversations by talking about the beautiful things we’ve experienced recently, whether it was a quiet moment alone or a moment with our kids. Or even an interaction with a stranger. Maybe a podcast or a recent book we’ve discovered.

Suzanne and I believe in the balance. We believe in taking time, being intentional with our energy, words, efforts and such. We sometimes have to remind one another that we are doing the thing we need to do in this moment as long as we are doing it with our heart and intention.

Our intention is always love. We are guided by it.

We hope the same for you. Lead with love. Share it

Give yourself the love that you give others. Treat yourself the way you’d treat your favorite person. It’s okay to do that. You deserve it. You are worthy. You are love. You are loved.

If you feel overwhelmed by the horrible things happening around your community, our world, across the oceans, heck maybe even in your house… something for yourself, even if it’s as simple as taking a few minutes to put lotion on your hands, face and feet. Do it slow and deliberate. Tell yourself beautiful things.


Go out into nature and notice the birds singing, what’s that song? How’s the wind feeling on you face? What’s it telling you? What are the clouds saying with their formation? Or the light coming through? How do the leaves feel when you step on them or if it’s Spring for you, how do they smell while they are growing? Nature is our family and it wants the best for us. It just asks for protection in return (that’s a different post)


Turn on some music that makes you sway, your head bob or your feet tap. Anything that moves you.

Know that you’re not alone in this world, many many people feel like you even if they are far away from where you are.

And finally, after you’ve pulled love from the source within, go out and see who needs help. Everywhere we look there is someone, some animal, some plant, maybe even some insect that could use our help.

Share that love.

This will help tip the scales of injustice in the world.


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